Bethel Women’s Ministry
Bethel Women's Ministry is a place for women to participate in ministry. In the BW, we encourage our women to share the gifts that God has given them and to spread the Good News to our church family, community and globally. If you are looking for a place to grow spiritually and help share the Gospel, we would love to have you join us. Their are many opportunities to participate in the BW and some of those are listed below.
Questions? More Information?
If you have any questions please contact the church office at 405-329-3749 or Email.
Paint & Praise
Ladies! We invite you to join us for Paint & Praise on March 2nd from 4 pm to 6 pm at the Annex. This will be a great time of fellowship together as we enjoy pizza. Sharinjoy will be there to lead us in a special time of worship. Rita Brooks will be leading a fun painting project. The cost is $5 per person to cover supplies. Please RSVP below so we can know how many to expect.
Bridal Shower
There will be a bridal shower for Bethany Gilstad on February 23rd in room 211 from 2 pm to 4 pm. Bethany is registered at Amazon & Target.
Gather & Grow
We invite ladies and children of all ages to come and fellowship on Tuesdays at 10 am. This is just a time to Gather and Grow together. If you have children, grandchildren, etc. they are welcome to come and play with other kids. They are currently meeting at the Bethel Playground.
Contact the church office at 405-329-3749 for more information.
Sunday Bible Studies
Sunday Small Group Bible Study
Sundays | 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM | Room 225 & Room 116-A
If you are looking for a Ladies only Sunday Bible Study Class we have two small group options. Ladies 1 led by Randy Cannon and Ladies 2 (Vota Vita) led by Connie Armstrong. Both classes use Lifeway's Explore the Bible series. Learn more by visiting:
Women’s Bible Studies
Tuesday Morning | 10:00 am | Fellowship Hall
We offer a Tuesday Morning Bible Study at 10 am in the Fellowship Hall for any ladies who would like to join. This Bible Study is led by Chuckie Garner. They will soon be starting a new Bible Study series and the books will be available for $10.
Wednesday Night | 6:00 pm | Room 227
The Ladies’ Wednesday Night Bible Study is currently studying 1 John, 2 John, and 3 John. This Bible Study meets on Wednesday at 6 pm in room 227 and is led by Andrea Wollard. Books are $10.
Don't hesitate to contact the church office (405-329-3749) for more information about our Women’s Bible Studies and what they offer!
Card Writing Ministry: BLOOM Outreach
Wednesday’s | 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM | Main Building Room 101
Each Wednesday morning the ladies of the BLOOM Outreach Ministry meet together to minister to the Bethel family through correspondence, card writing, and prayer time. Members of Bethel receive a birthday card or a note of encouragement from these women. They pray over requests and also send cards to new members and the homebound of Bethel.