Bethel’s Children’s Ministry

We are dedicated to making our time with the children an exciting, safe, fun-filled learning experience which always points them to the God who loves the little children. The Children's Building is located on the west side of the Main Building. Special parking is available for parents with young children--look for the signs and pink stripes.

Small Group Bible Study is the backbone of the Children's Ministry. Sunday morning at 9:00am, children come for an hour of Bible learning that includes music, learning centers and Bible study in age/grade level classes.

Children, kindergarten-5th grade, are encouraged to attend Worship Services together as a family.

A Sensory Room for children with special needs is available in Room W107.

Extended Session (during the 10:15a Worship Service) is for those children birth through 4yrs. The preschoolers may stay in their age level classes during the Worship Service. They are cared for by loving, experienced staff who reinforce Bible thoughts and stories for the day. 

Questions? More Information?
Contact Kim Anders, Preschool/Children's Director, 405-329-3749, EMAIL KIM

We have something for babies through 5th grade!

IGNITE- Bethel Kids Midweek

Every Wednesday (during school year) from 6pm to 7:30pm

KREW - Music & Worship

KREW (kids choir and music) has moved to Wednesday Nights and will kick off Ignite each week! This will be a time of music, worship, playing instruments, and more!


We will still be using the Gamelife curriculum each week which means tons of games, activities, and biblical devotions taught by our leaders!

Impact Kids Bible Club

The IMPACT KiDS! program is for all Pre-K to 5th graders on Tuesdays during the school year beginning September 17th, 2024 at Monroe Elementary in Norman, OK.
The fun begins immediately after school until 4:30 pm.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with Kim Anders, 405-329-3749.

Pet Rescue Collection

Ignite Kids is doing a collection for our local pet rescue center for the month of January. Drop off items at the Children’s Welcome Desk anytime this month. Items are due by Wednesday, January 29th.

Item suggestions: Kitten food, puppy canned food, dog treats, bottles for kittens, Clorox wipes, blankets, toys, paper towels, etc.

Ministry Safe Training

There is a mandatory ministry safe training for all children, youth, and college workers on February 2nd. This will be immediately following the morning worship service in the Fellowship Hall.

Lunch will be provided and please let us know if you will need childcare. Our guest speaker is Thomas Jordan with Oklahoma Baptists.

The training is crucial and we need you there! Whether you are an extended care worker, a volunteer, a small group teacher, etc. you must be at this meeting. Please RSVP below.