Palm Parade

Don’t miss our annual Palm Parade on Palm Sunday, April 13th, 2025. Children will wave palm branches at the beginning of the 10:15 am Service. Parents are welcome and encouraged to participate! All children from babies to 5th grade are invited to join!

The Choice

The Bethel Music Ministry will present a special dramatized production, The Choice, this Easter season. You are invited to walk with us the week before the crucifixion as seen through the eyes of a Roman soldier. There will be two chances to see this spectacular production: Friday, April 18th at 7 pm and Saturday, April 19th at 3 pm.

Both production times will be live-streamed on our website and Facebook.

Easter Sunday

We invite you to join us at Bethel this Easter! We will have 2 services, at 8 am and 10:15 am with Small Groups at 9 am.